There was a good turnout and only just managed to squeeze everyone in.
We had representatives of Crossrail who explained and answered questions about the use of part of Haven Green as a depot during the rebulding Ealing Broadway station (see separate page)
There were reports on what had been achieved:
- Greg Phelan talked about the Planning Inspectors decisions following our appeals againsts Encroachment on Common Land and the Electricity sub-station
- Will French thanked the Open Spaces Society for their help in achieving good decisions; he also drew our attention to proposed developments of
Haven Stables and an 18 storey block behind the current W H Smith which would
overshadow the Green.
- John Hazlehurst thanked the Ward Forum for funding in relation to replacement trees for the horse chestnuts which are dying from canker. He also explained how the choice of replacement trees was
- Julian Edmonds reported on licensing issues especially our success in opposing the unsuitable Oktoberfest on Haven Green.
- Finally Mike Brook drew attention to this website and encouraged supporters to visit it periodically to get updated news and interest items.
The meeting approved the Financial statement and the minutes of the last AGM.
Finally the existing committee members were re-elected; it was noted that there was a vacancy should someone wish to get involved.
Current committee members:
- Greg Phelan (Chair)
- John Hazlehurst (Secretary & Treasurer)
- Will French (common land / planning)
- Julian Edmonds (planning / licensing)
- John Hummerston (arhitecture / arts)
- Mike Brook (website / communication)
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