Friends of Haven Green have invited the CEO of Crossrail to a meeting to discuss the reinstatement of Haven Green after the removal of the depot.
Our MP Dr Rupa Huq has said she would like to be part of the meeting.
The question is - Do Crossrail or Network Rail really care about Ealing, Haven Green or the damage they will leave behind?
Work on the redevelopment of Ealing Broadway Station Crossrail is now underway. A quarter of Haven Green is now boarded off and will be used as a construction site until 2017. This will represent a serious loss of the green space enjoyed by so many people. Preparation of the site has included the felling of a protected tree and some deep excavation work.
FoHG has asked Crossrail about its plans for restoring the site to an acceptable condition which it is legally required to do.
The layout and plans can be viewed below.