Will Crossrail CEO come to to a meeting? (June 2018)

Friends of Haven Green have invited the CEO of Crossrail to a meeting to discuss the reinstatement of Haven Green after the removal of the depot.

Our MP Dr Rupa Huq has said she would like to be part of the meeting.

The question is - Do Crossrail or Network Rail really care about Ealing, Haven Green or the damage they will leave behind?

Crossrail depot on Haven Green

Work on the redevelopment of Ealing Broadway Station Crossrail is now underway. A quarter of Haven Green is now boarded off and will be used as a construction site until 2017. This will represent a serious loss of the green space enjoyed by so many people. Preparation of the site has included the felling of a protected tree and some deep excavation work. 

FoHG has asked Crossrail about its plans for restoring the site to an acceptable condition which it is legally required to do.


The layout and plans can be viewed below.

Pictures can be viewed here.

Crossrail presentation 2015-06-30.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.1 MB]
Letter from Network Rail
Network rail has recently sent this letter to local residents
Network Rail 2015-07.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [505.0 KB]

Questions and answers at the Public Meeting included:

  • Will there be work at night? Yes - mainly on the platform extensions and footbridge
  • How many extra people would use the station and therefore Haven Green? couldn't give an answer (we believe up to 40%)
  • Why not use the land north of the District Line? Not suitable
  • Why not bring in the materials by rail? They will as far as possible for the works to platforms and footbridge but need the Haven Green depot for the actual staion rebuilding.
  • How will materials get across the busy road from the depot to the station? Mostly this will happen at night and will be managed
  • How do people use the station while it is being rebuilt? The plan is to create a new station entrance in a different place and continue to use the old entrance until it is ready.
  • Won't pedestrians and cyclists be in danger from the lorries entering and exiting the depot? There will be strict timetables in quieter times and their entrance and exit will be managed.
  • What routes will the lorries take to reach the depot? A plan will be agreed with the council.

Concerns from the Public Meeting on 30th June 2015

  • Who in the council has responsibility for issues
  • Who within Crossrail & Network Rail are the contacts
  • We are asking for Community liaison
  • Traffic management plan
  • Power supply
  • Working hours schedule
  • Reinstatement plan including budget
  • Pollution mitigation
  • Hoardings design / artwork
  • Cycle safety
  • Parking issues outside CPZ restricted hours


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