The Planners refused the planning application.
1. The replacement shopfront, by reason of its design and materials, is detrimental to the character of the Locally Listed Building, and surrounding Haven Green Conservation Area. Therefore the proposal fails to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the property, Locally Listed Building, and the Conservation Area. As such, the proposal is contrary to policies 4.1, 4.7, 4.8, and 4.10, of the adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan, 'Plan for the Environment' (2004) and the Ealing Town Centre Shopfront Design Guide and the Haven Green Conservation Area Management Plan.
Site Description:
The subject site is situated on the eastern side of Haven Green and forms part of a parade of eight shops of three storeys high which are opposite the open green space of Haven Green.
Seven of the shpos are locally listed. There is an access alleyway between this parade and the remainder of the parade of shops which are two storeys high. 16 of the shops are locally listed and one
is statutory listed. The subject site currently comprises of a retail unit (A1 use class) at ground floor level with office accommodation above (A2 use class) The site is located at the edge of Haven
Green Conservation Area, that is dominated by the public open space of Haven Green. The surrounding area is characterised by a diversity of periods of architecture which are typically set within
large leafy plots. The area also comprises the edges of the commercial areas near Ealing town centre.
Planning permission is sought for the retention of the existing shop front, awning and external perforated shutters
13 neighbour consultation letters sent 20th April 2012. Statutory expiry date 11th May 2012
Site notice and advertisement displayed on 27 April 2012. Statutory expiry date 18 May 2012
No response following public consultation
Conservation Area Officer – Objection, verbal response
· Haven Green Conservation Area – No response received
· Friends of Haven Green – Objection (summarised below)
· Central Ealing Residents Association – Objection (summarised below)
- Design
- Materials
- Visual impact on locally listed building and character of the conservation area
- Loss of original features
- No mullion/transom division
- No stallrisers/fanlights
- No corbel
Officer comments
The objections have been noted and considered as part of this application
Reasoned Justification/Remarks:
The main considerations in this case are the design and visual impact the proposal would have on the locally listed building in which it is sited and to the character of the Conservation Area as a
whole, including any detrimental impact on the amenities of adjacent properties and compliance with the relevant UDP policies listed above Principle of the development
Policy 4.1 states that high standards of urban design are expected in all development, ensuring that schemes reflect the best elements of the character of the surrounding area, or have sufficient and
distinctive merit that adds to the character of the appearance of the area.
Furthermore policies 4.7 and 4.10 of the UDP stipulates that alterations to/new shopfronts should be of a high quality design. This requires the proposal to provide some continuity with the existing
frontage that is in keeping with the upper floor levels of the building. The retention of incidental features will also be encouraged.
Haven Green retains large numbers of mostly modern shopfronts, while occasionally remnants of original, usually late 19th century shopfronts remain. The Council has published a Shopfront Guidance
leaflet, which advocates the use of traditional materials and details, but this appears to have been largely ignored. Also many of the shopfronts have been installed for many years and the owners do
not want to change them, so improvements can usually only be achieved through the planning process as properties change hands. The Council will therefore pay special attention to applications to
alter or develop these commercial frontages and will ensure that proposals are high in overall quality and make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. All
changes will also have to adhere to the Council’s Shopfront Guidance leaflet.
It is acknowledged that the subject shopfront does not contribute positively to the visual amenities of the area, however the Ealing Town Centre shopfront design guidance was drafted in 2009, and as
explained above the Council are attempting to enhance the appearance of shopfronts through the restraints of waiting until premises submit applications for new shopfronts. It is considered that the
shopfront with modern glazing panels and bars,lack of fanlight of appropriate stallriser and inappropriate use of materials is out of keeping with the general principles as set out within
policies 4.7 and 4.8 Conservation Areas of the adopted Unitary Development Plan, ‘Plan for the Environment’ (2004).
The shopfront represents a frontage out of keeping with the area and pattern of development, and conflicts architecturally with the upper floors. The shopfront does not preserve or enhance the
character of the locally listed shopping parade not the surrounding Haven Green Conservation Area. Policy 4.8 of the UDP states that the Council will refuse planning permission and Conservation Area
consent for redevelopment of existing buildings,unless the proposed replacement development will preserve or enhance the character of the Conservation Area, which the proposal would not.
The replacement shopfront, by reason of its design and materials, is detrimental to the character of the Locally Listed Building, and surrounding Haven Green Conservation Area.
Therefore the proposal fails to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the property, Locally Listed Building, and the Conservation area. As such, the proposal is contrary to policies
4.1, 4.7, 4.8, and 4.10, of the adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan, 'Plan for the Environment' (2004) and the Ealing Town Centre Shopfront Design Guide and the Haven Green Conservation Area
Management Plan.
Human rights act:
In making your decision, you should be aware of and take into account any implications that may arise from the Human Rights Act 1998. Under the Act, it is unlawful for a public authority such as the
London Borough of Ealing to act in a manner, which is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. You are referred specifically to Article 8 (right to respect for private and family
life), Article 1 of the First Protocol (protection of property). It is not considered that the recommendation for
approval of the grant of permission in this case interferes with local residents’ right to respect for their private and family life, home and correspondence, except insofar as it is necessary
to protect the rights and freedoms of others (in this case, the rights of the applicant). The
Council is also permitted to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest and the recommendation for approval is considered to be a proportionate response to the submitted
application based on the considerations set out in this report.
It is therefore recommended that planning permission is Refused.